
Related topics: Over Seas Ordering

Please fill out the required information on this page to proceed. Then you may hit Register Another Day until you register. Note: That until you send in your order along with your check or money order for $20.00 US Dollars the program will display a nag screen at startup and will print Unregistered across the label these are removed when you input your Decoded Registration number.

When you receive your Registration card like the following you will be prompted to do six steps.


  1. On the registration form type in your decoded registration # exactly as it is printed above then hit the register code button.
  2. You will then be prompted for your serial number # type it exactly as printed above you will then be taken to JewelPro

  1. Try out JewelPro for awhile then Exit the program then restart JewelPro and have a new 3╜ disk ready.
  2. Go to the preps menu and click backup/restore on the backup form select the 3╜ disk option next deselect all checkboxes except the Registry backup that's grayed out and checked by default.
  3. Click  the make backup now button choose the path to your disk drive like 3╜ floppy (A:) click OK then the backup will start this should only take a minute or less to make the backup.
  4. Important Don't lose this Disk! or Certificate! This is your master restore Disk, You can make other backups to other disks but not this one.  You should store this disk with this Certificate with your other important disks and papers.
Passwords are Case Sensitive please check your spelling.

This is a sample password: Z#677pCn7.40D$$$777

If the password has an uppercase (such as D) or lowercase (such as p)
then they must be typed as shown. If there is a period (.) it must be typed.
Also make sure there are no spaces in your password.
Also lookout out for the letter O and the number 0 like this O0

If you cut and pasted your password you may have inserted a carriage return line
at the end that can not be seen. From the
[sample above] place the cursor at
the end of the decoded number. Then backspace and delete the 7 and then
retype 7 this will remove any carriage return lines if they are present.

Related topics: Maintenance and Integrity - Backing Up

ThankYou from MoonDance Software